ProGrow - The Growth Kit is an innovative concept in Home Gardening. It offers everything you need for your plant garden, including soil enrichment, potting mix, bloom promoter, pest repellent, plant tonic, shampoo and a jute grow bag. Use the Jute Grow Bag (Planter) provided with this kit and start your gardening experience!
1. G-5 Granule - Soil Enrich Granules - 500 g
2. Potting Mix - Pot Mixture - 2 kg
3. Runny - Magic Bloom Promoter - 200 ml
4. Biokil - Herbal Pest Repellent - 100 ml
5. Plant Shampoo - Plant Cleaning Soap - 100 ml
6. Biogreen - Plant Tonic - 100 ml
7. 8" Jute Grow Bag - Planter - 1 No.